Why ZettaBlock?

In the evolving landscape of web3 and blockchain technologies, developers face the challenge of choosing the right data platform to suit their needs. This deep dive compares ZettaBlock with other solutions, highlighting technical advantages and developer benefits.

This analysis includes:

  1. Traditional RPC Nodes
  2. ClickHouse-based Solutions
  3. Database Solutions
  4. Data Warehouses
  5. Subgraph-alike Solutions

ZettaBlock vs RPC Nodes

Detailed Comparison

ZettaBlockTraditional Node Provider
API Building Process✅ Streamlined API creation with SQL for complex transformation logic.
✅ Access to Prebuilt APIs covering most common Web3 use cases.
❌ No API building support. Users can only use the fixed APIs provided, without customization abilities for more complex use cases.
API FlexibilityMost advanced and flexible API building:
✅ Support any type of joins and data transformation (e.g., Join, Group By).
✅ Supports indexing on single and secondary fields.
✅ Facilitates advanced cross-chain analysis.
❌ No API flexibility support.
Scalability✅ Efficiently handles petabyte-scale table joins with SQL.❌ Not applicable, as custom API support is absent.
API PerformanceFast and reliable API performance.Similar API performance.
Data Unification✅ Allows self-service ingestion of off-chain data from various sources, breaking data silos.❌ No support for integrating external data sources with on-chain data.
Analytics Support✅ Offers extensive blockchain datasets with an intuitive query builder and visualization tools.❌ No analytics support.
Webhook Support✅ Supports webhooks for various notification-based use cases.Similar webhook support.

ZettaBlock vs ClickHouse-based Solutions

Detailed Comparison

ZettaBlockClickHouse-based Solutions
API Building Process✅ Streamlined API creation with SQL for complex transformation logic.
✅ Access to Prebuilt APIs covering most common Web3 use cases.
Limited to predefined API structures, lacking customization.
API PerformanceGuarantees much better API performance:
🚀 (On average) ~80X faster than most commonly used ClickHouse-based Solutions.
~80X slower; frequent time-outs for heavy queries.
Query Handling✅ Efficiently manages high concurrent queries.❌ Struggles with high concurrency, not optimized for user-facing apps.
Cost Efficiency✅ More economical for long-term, large-scale data storage.❌ Relatively higher costs for similar data storage scales.
Data Freshness✅ Sub-second freshness for real-time data.
✅ Data Lake freshness: less than two blocks behind.
1 to 15 minutes latency, slower data refresh rates.
Architecture✅ Compute-storage decoupled, enhancing speed and reducing costs.Shared-nothing architecture, less suitable for Web3 data needs.
OLAP QueriesSlower performance in lightweight OLAP queries.✅ Potentially better performance in lightweight OLAP query scenarios.
Webhook Support✅ Supports webhooks for various notification-based use cases.❌ No native webhook support on OLAP systems.

ZettaBlock vs Database Solutions

Detailed Comparison

ZettaBlockDatabase Solutions
API Building Process✅ Streamlined API creation with SQL for complex transformation logic.
✅ Access to Prebuilt APIs covering most common Web3 use cases.
Similar API support, with much higher latency and cost, with no ability to incrementally refresh data.
Generally focus more on analytical use cases.
Scalability✅ Efficiently handles petabyte-scale table joins with SQL.⚠️ Struggles beyond certain data sizes (100GB+).
API PerformanceFast and reliable API performance for both complex and simple queries.Much slower in data aggregation (Timeouts are very likely)
Data Unification✅ Enables breaking down data silos with self-service data ingestion.Limited self-serve data integration.
Webhook Support✅ Supports webhooks for various notification-based use cases.❌ No webhook support.

ZettaBlock vs Data Warehouses

Detailed Comparison

ZettaBlockData Warehouse Solutions
API Building Process✅ Streamlined API creation with SQL for complex transformation logic.
✅ Access to Prebuilt APIs covering most common Web3 use cases.
Analytics-focused; requires developers to ingest, build, and maintain a database for DApp serving.
API FlexibilityMost advanced and flexible API building:
✅ Support any type of joins and data transformation (e.g., Join, Group By).
✅ Supports indexing on single and secondary fields.
✅ Facilitates advanced cross-chain analysis.
Limited; primarily analytics APIs without transactional capabilities.
Scalability✅ Efficiently handles petabyte-scale table joins with SQL.Similar support.
API PerformanceGuarantees much better API performance:
🚀 1,000X faster than BigQuery (10ms)
🚀 1,000X cheaper than BigQuery (with pre-computed transactional API).
Bad performance and expensive (as it only supports analytical APIs):
⚠️ High latency (10,000m)
⚠️ Expensive since each API needs to scan through the entire original table ($5/TB).
Data AvailabilityVery extensive and up-to-date web3 data availability:
🚀 Decoded transactions, logs & blocks
🚀 Off-chain web3 data: prices, NFT metadata, etc
🚀 Business-level aggregated tables.
Very limited web3 data:
⚠️ Raw and limited decoded, RPC-accessible datasets
⚠️ Custom abstractions for each dApp through contract or bounty programs.
⚠️ Data Quality lacking, re-org not handled in time.
Data Unification✅ Allows self-service ingestion of off-chain data from various sources, breaking data silos.⚠️ Developers need to bring Web3 data from other vendors.
Analytics Support✅ Offers an intuitive query builder and visualization tools (dashboards, charts).⚠️ Limited or lackluster visualization tools (dashboards, charts).
Webhook Support✅ Supports webhooks for various notification-based use cases.❌ No webhook support.

ZettaBlock vs Subgraph-alike Solutions

Detailed Comparison

ZettaBlockSubgraph-alike Solutions
API Building Process✅ Streamlined API creation with SQL for complex transformation logic.
✅ Access to Prebuilt APIs covering most common Web3 use cases.
Depending on the provider:
✅ (Some) Similar SQL to GraphQL process.
⚠️ (Some) Complex with manifest files, mapping code, and GraphQL models.
API FlexibilityMost advanced and flexible API building:
✅ Support any type of joins and data transformation (e.g., Join, Group By).
✅ Supports indexing on single and secondary fields.
✅ Facilitates advanced cross-chain analysis.
⚠️ Limited; rigid GraphQL logic, single field indexing, and single event data models.
Scalability✅ Efficiently handles petabyte-scale table joins with SQL.⚠️ Struggles beyond certain data sizes (100GB+).
API PerformanceGuarantee much better API performance:
🚀 10x faster
🚀 100x more available & stable (Uptime 99.99%)
Can suffer from network-related performance bottlenecks, often resulting in slower data processing and retrieval times due to the need for data shuffling across nodes.
Data Unification✅ Allows self-service ingestion of off-chain data from various sources, breaking data silos.❌ No self-serve data integration support. Developers cannot enrich on-chain data with their data sources.
Analytics Support✅ Offers an intuitive query builder and visualization tools (dashboards, charts).Depending on the provider:
✅ (Some) In-app visualization tools.
⚠️ (Some) Lack built-in visualization; developers need to rely on external tools.
Webhook Support✅ Supports webhooks for various notification-based use cases.❌ No webhook support.