
[2024/07/14] DeFi Abstract Data and Stellar Updated On-Chain Data

Welcome to the latest ZettaBlock update! We’ve made several enhancements to improve your experience, mostly from how you interact with on-chain data


[2024/06/14] Multitab Query Editor & Enhanced User Interface

Welcome to the latest ZettaBlock update! We’ve made several enhancements to improve your experience, mostly from how you interact with the query editor.

[2024/06/14] Query Router Improvements, API Pause for Custom APIs and More!

Welcome to our latest update! We are committed to continuously improving ZettaBlock to enhance your development experience.


[2024/05/14] Bitcoin Abstraction Data, Improved Builder Plan Subscription Plan & More

We’re excited to share the latest updates and enhancements to ZettaBlock. Our team remains committed to improving your experience and providing powerful tools to support your Web3 development needs. Below, you’ll find details on new features, updates, and important bug fixes.


Major Updates: Database Restructuring

In our continuous effort to optimize our infrastructure, we have implemented significant updates to our database structure.


[2024/04/29] Expanded Real-Time Support across Sui Testent and Ethereum Holesky, New UI Enhancements & More

As part of our ongoing commitment to improve and broaden the functionality of ZettaBlock, this update introduces a range of new features and improvements designed to enhance the developer experience and expand our suite of data services.


[2024/04/16] Sui Data Expansion, Historical Beacon Raw Data, New User Onboarding Flow and More!

We are excited to announce several enhancements and new features to ZettaBlock, designed to streamline your development experience and expand our data offerings.


[2024/04/04] Introducing Bitcoin Raw Data, Data Freshness Status, UIUX Enhancements and More!

In our continuous effort to refine and expand the capabilities of ZettaBlock, this week brings a collection of new updates and enhancements aimed at streamlining the development experience and expanding our data offerings.


[2024/03/19] Open Beta Updates, UIUX Enhancements, Real-Time Triggers & Query Engine Improvements

Since launching our Open Beta, the support and enthusiasm from our community have amazed us. Thousands of users signed up in just the last 2 weeks, sharing valuable feedback that’s helping us improve ZettaBlock. We’re truly grateful for your input - it’s making a big difference. Thank you!


Schema Update for Ethereum Mainnet Tables and APIs: Essential Changes and Actions for Users

Following the schema update of Ethereum data lake tables, ZettaBlock is carrying out the same update on Ethereum tables in realtime database.