
Schema Update for Ethereum Mainnet Tables and APIs: Essential Changes and Actions for Users

Following the schema update of Ethereum data lake tables, ZettaBlock is carrying out the same update on Ethereum tables in realtime database.


The schema update will be performed in a 2-hour maintenance window on Tuesday, March 5 (10am-12pm PST / 1-3 pm EST), during which, user APIs will be migrated to fit the new schema.

Users’ saved queries might not work after the schema update. Please check your saved queries and update them accordingly.

What to expect

  • The schema of Ethereum tables in realtime database will be updated to match that of data lake tables.
  • The data models of Ethereum Realtime API will be updated to reflect the schema changes as well.
  • Tables impacted:
    • ethereum_mainnet.blocks
    • ethereum_mainnet.logs
    • ethereum_mainnet.traces
    • ethereum_mainnet.transactions
    • ethereum_mainnet.erc20_evt_transfer
    • ethereum_mainnet.erc721_evt_transfer
    • ethereum_mainnet.erc1155_evt_transfer_batch
    • ethereum_mainnet.erc1155_evt_transfer_single
    • ethereum_mainnet.contract_creations
    • ethereum_mainnet.eth_transfers (to be renamed as ethereum_mainnet.native_token_transfers)
  • Ethereum Realtime API models impacted:
    • Block
    • Transaction
    • Log
    • Trace
    • EthTransfer
    • ERC20EvtTranfer
    • ERC721EvtTranfer
    • ERC1155EvtTranferSingle
    • ERC1155EvtTranferBatch

Summary of changes

  • Table renaming:

    • Table eth_transfers is renamed to native_token_transfers
  • Column changes:

    • Partition column is renamed from **data_creation_date** to **block_date**
    • Columns of type **decimal(p,s)** are unified to **decimal(38,0)**
    • ERC token metadata columns are removed from realtime table / Realtime API model erc20_evt_transfer, erc721_evt_transfer, erc1155_evt_transfer_batch, and erc1155_evt_transfer_single. As a substitute, we recommend users to use table **erc20_tokens** and **nft_tokens** tables to get token metadata.

If you have any questions or troubles that occur during this migration, please let us know in our Discord server.