
[2023/01/05] Support parameter in GraphQL API

Hi team,

We are excited to announce that the latest update to our GraphQL API now supports the addition of parameters.

Before this update, users were limited to the fixed set of arguments provided by the API. Now, users can specify their own arguments and pass them along with their queries to customize the data they receive.

To use this feature, simply include the desired parameter(s) in your query as follows:


// Query:
query nftTransfers(
  $symbol: String!
) {
    symbol: $symbol,
    limit: 1000
  ) {

// Parameters
  "symbol": "coco"

We hope this new feature will allow for greater flexibility and control in retrieving data from our API. As always, if you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.